The Four False Fears an Entrepreneur Must Overcome to Achieve 6 to 7 Figure Success

Have you ever felt paralyzed by a fear that kept you from taking action? Or maybe you have a goal, project or commitment that you somehow continue to avoid – over and over and over again? These are signs that one of the False Fears may be present.

False Fears are the head games we play on ourselves that keep us from taking the action that would cause us to achieve the level of success, wealth and achievement we desire.

Here are the Four False Fears that I see surface the most:

1. I Might Lose Money

This is the fear that if you take a risk that you might lose money, or worse yet, become bankrupt, lose everything and have to sleep in a box on the street. The truth is you will lose money. That’s part of the game. We all make choices that we wish we hadn’t or in hindsight become a loser opportunity. The bigger truth is you will make more money than you ever lose – if you run your business with the proper return on investment strategies. You must choose to focus on and remind yourself that being an entrepreneur is about honing the skill of discernment between what has profit potential…and what is just a good idea.

2. I Might Lose my Freedom

If I get more successful, will I have to give up: my time, traveling, ability to do what I want, time at the beach, etc? Well…maybe. That’s up to you decide. The real problem isn’t that you will get too busy and have to give it all up. It’s getting clear first about what it’s important to you, what you want your lifestyle to be like, then creating a business that supports your goals. Without this step, 94% of entrepreneurs will just jump in and get busy making stuff happen (notice I didn’t say making money.) You don’t have to give up your freedom if you get successful. You just have to be willing to create a business that supports your freedom!

3. People Won’t Like Me

That’s right. Some people won’t like you. They are the same people who will never buy anything from you, will always complain about the President and no matter what you do, they will find SOMETHING to grumble about. You can’t please everyone. What makes you happy? What is that you do well that other people want and need? Figure those two pieces out and do them a lot – no matter what anyone else thinks.

4. I Might Fail

That’s good, actually. If you are failing, then you are determining what doesn’t work. Successful people get back up and try something else, something that DOES work! Everyone is going to fail because failing is part of the testing process. If you let yourself get stuck at “what if I fail” then all you will experience is not knowing what could have happened. What’s the worst that could happen if you do fail? You pick yourself up and try something else. Best case scenario? You are a huge success? I like those odds a lot!

Can you relate to at least one of these False Fears? If you said, no, I’m not sure I believe you. Every successful entrepreneur I’ve coached has encountered one of these fears. That’s a good thing. It means you are paying attention to the roadblocks in your way.

If you find yourself facing one of these False Fears, here is how you can “flip the fear” to a positive energizer.

Step One. Acknowledge the fear is just that – a fear. Fear is not real, it’s just a story we make up about a future possible outcome.

Step Two. Create a worst-case and best-case scenario. Take yourself into the future and imagine the best and worst that could happen. My guess is that the worst case is something you could find a way through and the best case is worth taking the risk for.

Step Three. Create a new truth. Get real about what the truth is. As one of my clients says, “Call a friend (or your coach) and get a reality check.” Your mind will play powerful tricks if you let it so stop being your own roadblock and get back on track!

About the Author:

About the Coach:

Melanie Benson Strick, The Entrepreneur's Success Coach, teaches entrepreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed so they can create more money, more freedom and more prestige.

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Article Source: - The Four False Fears an Entrepreneur Must Overcome to Achieve 6 to 7 Figure Success

Coaching, Success Connections, Financial Freedom, Income Opportunity, Business Opportunities, Abundance, Team Building, Strategy, Overcome The Overwhelm, Success Coach, Virtual Teams