Is your Soul on Fire?

People around me are commenting on my high energy level… I feel like I’m on fire lately! It seems that other people want that kind of focus and excitement in their lives too. So my intention is to break “it” down to help them have it.

One of the pieces for me is that I feel like my soul is on fire. In a good way…  but what does that actually mean? Where there is fire, there is obviously burning, a kind of merging that happens, a consuming of fuel or source energy, a transformational process that changes from one state to another. There is a driving passion, with a mesmerizing quality as flames dance, and a hungry seeking of the next fuel source.

And this is how I find myself living every day… as I seek personal truth, I am pulled forward to my next source (discovery, experience, feeling, etc.) in what becomes a transformational process that I want, and am compelled, to share with the world. Through the last eight years or so, there have been times when I felt like I was on my last glowing ember – only to get stoked again when I touched base with what my soul is here to express.

From my experience, when a person's soul is on fire, there is nothing that stops you. Taken in the largest possible sense, I suppose that can be good or not-so-good. If you jump out of bed because it's time to get burning again, you're on track. However, if you're not finding that kind of enthusiasm or not getting the results you want, it's time to check out what's happening with your source energy – the inner fuel that's feeding your fire.

3 Things You Can Do

1. Get mesmerized with yourself. Contemplate what's going on at a deeper level. Go past the obvious (the orange flame), past the hotter heat (the violet flame), into the white-hot center of you. Notice what feeds you, what makes you feel alive, what pulls you forward. If you aren't feeling the thrill of being you daily, there's something missing. Go back to the embers to fan them into flames. That is, go back to what has made you happy in the past, maybe distant past, and incorporate more of that into your current reality.

2. Use discernment in choosing your external sources of energy. That is, the best wood burns evenly, without spitting, and gives off good heat. If wood is too new or green or sappy, it won't burn well. If your environment (people, home, office, thoughts, ideas, business, etc.) isn't nourishing you to burn at your optimal rate, it's up to you to figure out which ones are spittin' and poppin' (to continue the analogy) and repair or replace them.

3. Explore the expansion. Just like fire grows with good conditions (oxygen, good wood, open space), so can you. When we have a fear or uncertainty about being in wide open space, with no boundaries to hold us back in where we can go and what we can achieve, we are genetically wired to experience insecurity. That used to save our primitive necks… but now, if we learn to embrace that exact same sensation and explore it for the possibilities, we may find new sources of energy to fuel our souls.

When you discover what feeds the fire of your soul, you discover your connection to your higher purpose. And when you know that, you can align everything you do with your soul's fire… it is my sincere wish for you that you find your personal truth and live it every day.

About the Author:

Lynn Scheurell, Creative Catalyst, helps entrepreneurs remember who they are so they can align everything they do accordingly. This simple premise helps people create success from the inside out and by their own definition. Download a free report to learn "Your 6 Power Points for Personal Success – and How What You Don’t Know Can Cost You!" at

Article Source: - Is your Soul on Fire?

Energy, Fire, Level, Intention, Excitement, Energy Level, Lynn Scheurell, Soul On Fire, High Energy